Decentering Whiteness
Addressing the norms, practices, content, and ways of being that reflect the values and ideology associated with white culture which privilege white people and marginalize the cultures, experiences and perspectives of people of color. (66)
The active resistance against colonial powers, and the shifting of power towards acquisition of our own political, economic, educational, cultural, and psychic independence and power. This process occurs politically while also applying to personal and societal psychic, cultural, political, agricultural, and educational deconstruction of colonial oppression. Decolonization specifically requires the repatriation of Indigenous land and life. (40)(41)(42)
The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or gender identity. (19)
The range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. (4)
Diverse stories
Stories that highlight a variety of perspectives on religion, race, sexual orientation, ability, and identity. (2)
DuVernay Test
Named for famed director Ava DuVernay this test measures a film’s diversity quotient. The criteria is as follows:
(1) Are there two named characters of color?
(2) Do they have dialogue?
(3) Are they not romantically involved with one another?
(4) Do they have any dialogue that isn’t comforting or supporting a white character?
(5) Is one of them not magical?
4. Diversity and Inclusion Definitions
40. The Movement for Black Lives Glossary
41. Decolonization is not a metaphor
42. What Do We Mean When We Say Colonized? - BGD
66. Decentering Whiteness and Creating Inclusive and Equitable Conferences: A Tip Sheet
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The JJI Glossary defines terms that are necessary in discussing equity in the arts. This glossary is the result of countless hours of thoughtful research and innovation by our team.