Sometimes called the Mo Movie Measure, Bechdel-Wallace Test, or Bechdel Rule. A test originally evaluating the representation of women in film that can be used for all media. The test names the following three criteria for the work being evaluated:
(1) Must have at least two women
(2) The women talk to each other
(3) Their conversation is about something besides a man (12)
Behavioral Antiracist
One who makes racial group behavior fictional and individual behavior real. (18)
Behavioral Racist
One who makes individuals responsible for the perceived behavior of racial groups and makes racial groups responsible for the behavior of individuals.
“The term BIPOC stands for ‘Black, Indigenous, People of Color,’ it is meant to unite all people of color in the work for liberation while intentionally acknowledging that not all people of color face the same levels of injustice. By specifically naming Black and Indigenous people we are recognizing that Black and Indigenous people face the worst consequences of systemic white supremacy, classism, and settler colonialism.” (97)
Black Exceptionalism
The notion that Black people who are educated, smart, articulate, poised, etc. are atypical or rarities among the general Black population. Black Exceptionalism bears the underlying assumption that there exists a single and one-dimensional manifestation of Blackness. In creating this false dichotomy, the myth of Black Exceptionalism denies the Black community the individuality and the full spectrum of humanity that is so readily offered to the white population. (36)(37)
Blackface Minstrelsy
Blackface minstrelsy was performed by a group of white minstrels (traveling musicians) with black-painted faces, whose material caricatured the singing and dancing of slaves.
Bodily Antiracist
One who perceives racialized bodies as nonviolent human beings that possess individuality outside of the racial group they belong to.
Bodily Racist
One who perceives certain racialized bodies as more animal-like and violent than others.
“A test by trans advocate, Cassie Brighter, inspired by the Bechdel-Wallace Test” for transgender representation that can be used for all media. The test names the following three questions for the work being evaluated:
(1) Is there a trans character?
(2) Is the trans character portrayed by a trans actor?
(3) Are they defined and driven by something other than their transition? (98)
18. How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
36. The Myth of Black Exceptionalism
37. Sidney Poitier, Mike Brown, and the Myth of Black Exceptionalism
97. What is BIPOC?
98. Trans Representation: 3 Rules
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