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What is it?

The Joy-Jackson Initiative provides tools and resources for the American Theater industry to identify, reflect on, and improve their role in creating the safest, most welcoming spaces for members of the BIPOC community in the arts.

Who is it for?

Theatres, executive leaders, critics, casting directors, agents, unions, commercial producers, universities and training programs, and anyone who enjoys the wonder of theatre.

When Can I Take

The Assessment?

While the Assessment is currently in Beta Testing, and is open only to invited participants, your company can Take the Pledge to take the Assessment NOW!

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Hey there Theaters, it’s us: Black women.

You have invoked the right hashtags, said the right things. You’ve said that this time is different. We…plan to hold you to your words. The time has come for you to take real action to demonstrate your commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

– Black Theatre Girl Magic

Read about BTGM's Open Letter in Playbill 

Learn together!

Explore the complicated history of theatre in America with our newest community learning tool, Broadway to Blackface: An Interactive Timeline.

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Join the Movement

Thanks for joining the movement!

© 2021 The Joy-Jackson Initiative

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